The RAFF project aims to research issues related to pit lakes, which is one of the most common uses of post exploitation voids. The main achievements in the projectare connected with the creation of comprehensive models that can be used for risk assessment purposes. Innovative outcomes of the project will contribute to methodologies and guidelines to improve the safety, security, and environment aspects of flooded open pit mines. The project will carry out in-situ investigation, laboratory tests, and numerical and physical modelling to achieve the objectives.
Risk Assessment of Final pits during Flooding (RAFF) project is the first project funded by RFCS (Research Funding for Coal and Steel) that deals with geotechnical risks linked to the flooding of opencast lignite mines in Europe. In order to guarantee the best safety conditions of the flooding processes, the associated risks of flooded final pits instability is being evaluated. A methodology is being developed to ensure that pit lakes are monitored over the long term.
The main objectives of the RAFF project are to identify risk factors for the post exploitation pit lakes, develop a methodology for evaluating the geotechnical state of created reservoirs and the hydro-geochemical changes in the water of these lakes during and after the process of flooding.
The RAFF project is coordinated by the “Poltegor-Institute” Opencast Mining Institute. It was launched in June 2019 and will end in June 2022. There are twelve European partners involved in this project.
Identification of problems and threats in the final pits.
In this WP, previously flooded open pits will be chosen for gathering information about crucial factors that influence pit lakes during the flooding process. The specific objectives are...
Geotechnical characterisation and modelling of reservoir slopes.
This WP aims to provide a detailed understanding of how relevant material properties and geological features can impact on both the short- and long-term stability of reservoir slopes...
Development of methodology and tools for assessment of hydrodynamical and hydrochemical conditions changes in open pit mines and their surroundings
This WP aims to provide detailed understanding water condition changes and their influence on water quality in the pit...
Development of comprehensive models of final pits and risks assessment
The objective of this WP is the elaboration of an assessment methodology of risks which may affect flooded open pit mines. This will be done through the following tasks...
Coordination and management of the project
Sustainability, risk...
On 6 and 7 October, a conference was held in Wrocław to present the achievements of the RAFF and SUMAD projects co-financed by the Research Fund for...
WP1- Field surveys
Similar bathymetric measurements were carried out on Most Lake in Czechia.
As a part of the RAFF project, scientists from the “Poltegor-Institute” performed a...
Other progress meetings
Due to the restrictions caused by the global pandemic, the other progress meetings were conducted online.
Near the date of project completion, it is planned to organize an...
WP2-The in-situ tests
Within the RAFF project, scientists undertook a programme of laboratory and in-situ tests in order to evaluate the properties of the materials used for the construction of reservoir...
WP3-One of the tasks of the...
The currently ongoing flooding of Lubstów open-pit - view on the reservoir in 2018 [www.kwbkonin.pl]
As a part of one of the tasks of the RAFF project, scientists...
WP1-Analysis of archival data...
Preparation of final slopes in Lubstów open-pit (KWB Konin)
At the beginning of the RAFF Project, some of the previously flooded final pits were chosen for investigations. The...
Meeting October 2019
Participants of the 1st Work Progress Meeting - October 2019
The 1st Work Progress Meeting of the RAFF project was held by at the...
RAFF Publications
1. Al Heib, M., Zevgolis, I.E., Theocharis, A.I. et al. Analysis of Faults' Effect on the Stability of Surface Lignite Mining Areas Using the Distinct Element Method. Geotech Geol...
Meeting June 2019
Participants of RAFF project Kick-off Meeting - June 2019
Risk Assessment of Final pits during Flooding (RAFF) project has started in June 2019 with a...